I can't believe it's finally here! I arrived in Madrid today for the 2019 GEMS Film Scoring program #scorespain, and what a day it's been! Madrid is such an extraordinarily beautiful and refulgent city, every nook, cranney, alleyway and street corner just fizz with effervescence and life so of course I couldn't help but drop my luggage off and immediately go exploring! Spending the next 11 days here in the sunshine, composing and learning from my film and game music heroes is simply too good to be true!

Part of the GEMS 2019 film game and orchestration summer program Spain
Join the 2020 SUMMER PROGRAM
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#scorespain #GEMS2019 #ChristopherYoung #GarrySchyman #PeteAnthony #juanjomolina #FrancescoMenini #nigelashleylees #filmscoring #music #composer #musicproducer #videogamescoring #videogamecomposer #Hollywood #uscscore #musiccomposerscores #filmscorecomposer #moviescoring #bestfilmscores #Madrid #Summerprogram #musiccourse #orchestralrecording #orchestration #musicformovies #Hollywoodcomposers #filmscoringprogram #filmscoringcourse #spain2019 #losangeles, #filmscoringmasterclass #gamecomposer #flamenco #Hollywoodmusiccomposer, #gemscourses #bandassonoras #gamescoring #scoringforscreen #participanttales #pastparticipant #scorespain #gems #summer2019 #inspiring #encouraging #WomenInGames #WomenInFilm #ScoreSpain #GEMSmusic #showtime