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Please submit your required portfolio items ready for your one to one mentoring session with Christopher Young. Prior to your one to one mentoring session, Christopher Young will receive & review your work, read your statement of purpose, your CV/Resume, put a name to a face and above all, listen to your compositions, ready for your one to one mentoring session.
your details - if you have a website, music or videos online, then please include the full URL. If not, no problem. You can submit your music and videos via wetransfer at the bottom of the page.
all about you - Please upload a good quality head and shoulders photograph of yourself.
your compositions - You may wish to include PDF scores, but it is not required.
your music
Click on the wetransfer tab to open a new window where you will be able to separately send your audio files for compositions 1 & 2 and any accompanying videos or music files you wish to share during your one to one mentoring session with Christopher Young. (Total file sizes up to 20GB).Then return to this page to submit your portfolio.
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